Your right, why bother... you don't really need a windshield...
After three years and about 6000 miles, I finally added a GIVI mid sized windshield to my BV500.
This make a HUGE difference in the ride. Why I did not do this before I do not know. I guess I have been quoted as saying, "I don't wan no wussy windshield crapping up the sporty looks of my BV 500!" Not one of my better ideas.
Windshield Benefits:
1. No more buffeting! This is the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE and it is HUGE. When you are riding at 70 mph in 20 - 30 mile hour winds it's like a big hand is trying to wrench your helmet off of your head! Now, it can't touch me!
(AHAHAHAHAHA! You hear me WIND! YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME! You Can't do NO-FHING! Oh, also you can't yank up my t-shirt and expose my junior miss bra and weeblies to oncoming traffic.)
2. Since the Windshield extends over my hands, no more cold wind shooting up my sleeves. I might miss this when the weather finally warms up, but it feels great without it so far.
3. No more pebbles and debris spattering off my helmet.
4. No rain or goop splattering in my face as well.
5. Actually feel more visible and a bit larger in traffic.
Things you will notice upon installation:
1. A marked line in your vision since the top of the windshield may be even with your eyes. This is no issue. You will adjust and either sit up slightly to peer over, or duck your head slightly to peer through. So far no head or neck issues doing this.
(Some people end up cutting down their windshield an inch or two to avoid this. And this process is entirely possible but most recommend the professionals to do it, because you don't want to "crack" your windshield by using the wrong tools.)
2. Fear of the windshield becoming a "SAIL" in high winds and actually shoving you off the road.
(Look, I am not going to lie, it does feel different and you are wise not to ride too fast in any high winds. period, windshield or not. But it does feel different and takes a bit of getting used to.)
3. Lots of bug spatter and specks! OMG you mean all this gunk was hitting ME! ACK!
You might want to keep some towels handy so you can wipe it down. First to get the bugs off, take a soft cloth/towel and soak it in hot water and drape it over the windscreen or visor and then wipe it down. Stuff comes right off.
So I am recommending a windshield to anyone who likes to ride. Unless you have a thing for wind and bug guts...but that's your business.